Book of Remembrance

·by Luke 
·by Al  
·more Lurkers 
·Nationals 99 
·Team Shirts 
·Trent Park 
·Parkers Piece 
·Strange Blue 1 
·James's Spirit Trophy 
·from John 
·David M 
·Chris M 
·Matt R 
·Dave McN 
·Mike F | Rik 
·Tina | Mike J 
·Simon | Stef 
·David & Van 
·Ico | Steve 
·Chris Mosier 
·Leigh | Toby 
·Al | Roger | Miles  
·Patch | Ken+Maria 
·Ken M 
·Chris Palmer 
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·Paul Blacketer 
·Alex King 
·copyright (c) 

From Rohan

There are many stories that spring to mind when I think of James.From playing outside the flat in Queensway,shopping in town,walking and putting me in a headlock in the woods(I could get out of it back then)and finally THAT famous trip to the seaside(the first and last time I was invited to the coast).However,by far the most memorable experience was the 'Ro-Ro reveille' or 'The Human Trampoline' I was a naive 19 year old and had come up from Haslemere to visit Mark.I knocked on his house near Mill Road and was told he didn't live here anymore,he's moved to Queensway.So I set off to find the mischievous old devil.I found the flat and hesitantly knocked on the door.Tricia answered and invited me in.Mark was in the front room.So introductions over,we talked over cups of tea.It was approaching 3pm when they asked if if i would like to come to pick up James from school.I'd said,'I'd love to' and off we went by cycle. We waited for him at the school gates and out came this grinning kid.He immediately started chatting about his day at school and didn't stop until we were back at the flat.When I got back I slumped on the chair and thought I'd finished my 2 minutes exercise for the month.However, James puts his head round the patio door and asks if I would like to play outside.'Sure' I replied,thinking 5 minutes and it'll all be over.I can't remember all the games we played over the next 2 hours but i was knackered and was so happy when it was time to stop for dinner. We all ate.James went off to bed and I positioned myself so I wouldn't have to move all evening until bedtime.So mark,Tricia and myself stayed up until the early hours smoking,drinking and talking until it was time for bed.I was to sleep in the sitting room.No problem.We said our goodnights and thats all i remember before crashing out.Little did I know what was coming up. The next part of the story was what coming up to Queensway was all about for me.It wasn't just the easy atmosphere,tasting Marks delicious bean stew or the way the chocolate always got shared round when Tricia was in charge of the slab!No,it was much more than all these things.It was the 'Ro-Ro reveille' It had just gone 6-15am,it was a Saturday,I had only been asleep for about 4 hours,I was slightly hungover and there was James was asking if I wanted to play.'Of course'I replied.No sooner had my eye lids began to close again the board game was set up.We played for the next couple of hours with board games,action figures,cars,lego etc.We did it all.Occasionally,James would be interrupted by a cartoon for all of 5 minutes before going back to playing.At about 9-30 it was time for breakfast,shopping and then a repeat of the first day.Playing,eating,smoking,drinking and up again early the next morning.When I returned to Haslemere I was exhausted.I needed a break. This shaped my life at Queensway for the next 10+ years.I'd thought I'd have a break as he got older,or when the cartoons started earlier(6am)or when Giles was born.None of these worked.In fact if anything it got worse.I had to get up earlier because of Giles and the cartoons(I HAD to watch you understand).James was a good mentor to Giles and carried on the tradition.When Giles was about 4 years old this meant being attacked by not 1 but 2 rascals.Below is a passage from one of our early morning conversations:

'Are you getting up?'

'In 5 minutes'

2 minutes later.......

'You said you were getting up in 5 minutes'

'Yeah i know.Just 5 more minutes'

A minute later I found Giles jumping on my chest with James tugging at the duvet.Yes,I was the 'Human Trampoline'

So what did I get from all this?

Firstly,I didn't need some feeble excuse to watch Michaela Strachen any more on the Wide Awake Club. Secondly,the masochistic pleasure I got when Phillip had to sleep in the sitting room and endure the terrible duo was excellent. But finally and most importantly I witnessed all the great qualities in James at such an early age.His enthusiasm,his infectiousness,his playfulness,his exuberance and all the fun he generated to the people around him. This is the James I knew.This is the James I miss.

Take Care

Site last modified Tue Jun 17 09:00:36 BST 2008